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On exam day
{"grandParentLink":null,"parentLink":{"linkText":"Student Support","url":"/home/student-support/"},"currentLink":{"linkText":"What happens if problems occur","url":"/home/student-support/on-exam-day/what-happens-if-problems-occur/"},"childrenLinks":[{"linkText":"Key dates & exam timetables","url":"/home/student-support/key-dates-exam-timetables/"},{"linkText":"Revision","url":"/home/student-support/revision/"},{"linkText":"On exam day","url":"/home/student-support/on-exam-day/"},{"linkText":"Results day","url":"/home/student-support/results-day/"},{"linkText":"Replacement exam certificates","url":"/home/student-support/replacement-exam-certificates/"},{"linkText":"Private candidates","url":"/home/student-support/private-candidates/"},{"linkText":"Your wellbeing","url":"/home/student-support/your-wellbeing/"}],"lowerChildrenLinks":[{"linkText":"Malpractice","url":"/home/student-support/on-exam-day/malpractice/"},{"linkText":"What happens if problems occur","url":"/home/student-support/on-exam-day/what-happens-if-problems-occur/"}]}
Key dates & exam timetables
- What happens if problems occur
Results day
Replacement exam certificates
Private candidates
Your wellbeing
What happens if problems occur?
{"accordionId":"a5db1dbc","accordionHeading":"","accordionItems":[{"accordionTitle":"What do I do if there is a severe weather warning?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p><strong>1. If I have an exam next week, what should I do?</strong></p>\n<p>Keep revising! The exams timetable is going ahead as planned. If you think your school or college may be affected by the weather, visit their website or contact them to check what arrangements they have made.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>2. What should I do if my school or college is closed?</strong></p>\n<p>If your school or college/examination centre must close, the exams officer will explain the situation to WJEC, and will no doubt contact you to let you know if they are making other arrangements, such as using an alternative location. Some centres may open for exams only, so it is worth visiting your school's or college's website or contacting them directly to check this.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>3. What if I can't reach my school or college, even though it is open?</strong></p>\n<p>You need to let your school or college know your circumstances. If the examination unit you were going to sit is available again, you will have the opportunity to sit it then, if your school or college agrees. If this is your last opportunity to sit an older unit (because the specification will have changed), your centre may apply for Special Consideration on your behalf.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>4. I'm worried that I'll be late arriving at my exam, if I have transport problems. Does that mean I won't be able to take the exam?</strong></p>\n<p>You need to make every effort to arrive at your examination centre on time, and to get there safely as soon as you possibly can, even if it looks as though you might be a little late. There is some leeway when, if you are late, you will still be allowed to sit your exam. Contact your school or college to let them know if you think you might be late, and make sure that you avoid contact with any candidates who may have come out early from your exam.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"What do I do if I spot an error in the paper?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>If you do discover something in one of your question papers which you think is a mistake in the paper, please tell the invigilator as soon as you spot it - as quietly as possible, in order not to disturb other exam candidates.</p>\n<p>If you think, after the exam, that there was an error in your question paper, please tell your subject teacher or the exam officer at your school or college as soon as possible. They will then let the relevant awarding organisation know.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"How do I apply for Special Consideration?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p><span>Special Consideration is a post examination adjustment to a candidate's mark or grade to reflect temporary injury, illness</span><span>,</span><span> or </span><span>adverse </span><span>events </span><span>outside of a candidate’s control</span><span> at the time of the examination/assessment.</span> </p>\n<p><span>Here’s a </span><a href=\"\"><span data-ccp-charstyle=\"Hyperlink\">guide to special considerations</span></a><span> </span><span>if you need further information.</span> </p>\n<p><span class=\"NormalTextRun SCXW170626799 BCX0\">Please d</span><span class=\"NormalTextRun SCXW170626799 BCX0\">iscuss the options available with your teacher. Your school will then need to contact us to apply<span> </span></span><span class=\"NormalTextRun SCXW170626799 BCX0\">for special considerations</span><span class=\"NormalTextRun SCXW170626799 BCX0\">.</span> </p>"}]}