Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate

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The Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate will be awarded for the final time in summer 2024.

Teaching: Sep 2015
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This specification provides learners with an opportunity to achieve two qualifications: Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate and Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate.

Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

To be awarded the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate, or Welsh Bacc. for short, a learner needs to complete all elements of the wheel.

The qualification is awarded as a Pass grade when a learner has passed the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and all the Supporting Qualifications. It demonstrates all in one place academic ability and competence in skills that are valued by employers.

Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate

The Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (SCC) has been designed to enable learners to acquire and apply a range of complex Essential and Employability skills in different settings and context that provide learners with a broader education. It will provide experiences which support other subjects and will enable learners to be better prepared for their future destination, whether university, further training or employment.

The Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate consists of 4 components:

  • Individual Project (50%)
  • Enterprise and Employability Challenge (20%)
  • Global citizenship Challenge (15%)
  • Community Challenge (15%)

To achieve the qualification, learners must pass all components. The marks are totalled to provide a grade A*- E, equivalent to A level grades. It is this grade or the equivalent UCAS tariff points that will be included in university offers.

The 7 skills involve complexity; they are multi-faceted, including many different but connected parts.

Literacy The ability to express complex ideas both written and verbal, adapting language and terminology in a manner appropriate for audience
Numeracy The ability to collate, analyse and present complex numerical data/information from a range of sources, extracting appropriate meaning
Digital Literacy The ability to understand and use digital technology for complex purposes, in a manner appropriate for audience
Planning & Organising The ability to manage self and/or others, resources and circumstances to achieve a specific complex goal
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving The ability to gather relevant information, identify key issues, linking and comparing information, and drawing conclusions to solve complex problems
Creativity & Innovation The ability to generate original complex ideas and practical translation of ideas to develop a new or improved product, service, process, system or social interaction
Personal Effectiveness The ability to adapt ones skills and qualities so that high quality results are achieved. Modify behaviours to accommodate tasks, situations and individuals.

Both the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate are well regarded by universities. Not only is the Skills Challenge Certificate included in many entry requirements but the skills developed fully support learners adapting to Higher Education study.


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Have a question about Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate?
I'm Caroline Morgan
Phone icon 01443845612
Subject Officer for Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate
Our subject team is happy to help you with all your queries related to the teaching and learning of our specifications. Our Subject Officers are all former teachers and are here to support you with delivering our qualifications. Get in touch with us via e-mail or telephone.
Team Coordinator for VTQ and Skills Delivery
person_outline Emma Baldwin
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Welsh Baccalaureate Operations Team
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For all queries the team are on hand to help.
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Caroline Morgan