WJEC is getting Eisteddfod ready!

WJEC is getting Eisteddfod ready!

We are delighted to be exhibiting at the Urdd National Eisteddfod 2024.

When? 27 May - 1 June 2024
Where? The fields of Mathrafal Farm, Maldwyn

About the event

The National Eisteddfod is an annual touring youth festival – a key event in our country’s calendar! The vibrant festival brings together people of all ages and backgrounds and encompasses all aspects of the arts and culture in Wales. It is a showcase for a diverse mix of music, dance, visual arts, literature, and performances, and draws thousands of Welsh speakers and Welsh learners every year.

This year’s festival will be hosted in Maldwyn (Mathrafal Farm) – the first time since 1988! An impressive 90,000 thousand visitors are expected to gather in the town for the week-long festival. 

So, what are you waiting for? Learn more and to book your place here.

Commenting on our involvement is Jonathan Thomas, PR and Brand Manager:

“We are thrilled to be supporting this prestigious competition-based festival again this year. It is such wonderful opportunity to celebrate youth culture, the education community, and the Welsh language. We look forward to meeting attendees and providing them with additional support and guidance to deliver our subjects with confidence.”

Meet the team

Our friendly team will be on hand at our exhibition stand (C8) to answer all of your questions regarding our qualifications and showcase our unbeatable range of FREE digital resources.

No questions? No worries! Still swing by and say ‘hello’ – you can put your feet up and relax in one of our comfy beanbags and participate in a whole host of games and competitions. Come and see what’s on offer!

Pob Lwc!

‘Pob Lwc’ to the individuals who won their place and will be competing during the Eisteddfod week! We are certain that the Maldwyn Urdd Eisteddfod 2024 will be a festival to remember!

For regular updates, please follow X: @wjec_cbac / Facebook: WJEC / CBAC / Instagram: @wjecforstudents